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Trinov and Fidia

TRINOV: discovering the origins of Fidia Farmaceutici’s hair-loss lotion

The story of Trinov’s hair-loss lotion commences in 2010: it all started almost by chance, when Giovanni Brotzu, a doctor from Cagliari in Sardinia, was conducting a trial on a medicine for the treatment of diabetes. One of the consequences of this condition is that the capillaries retract causing a loss of microcirculation, which also results in a partial loss of body hair. This led to the revolutionary intuition regarding the association with hair loss in men and women and the start of the research that led to the creation of Fidia Farmaceutici’s hair-loss lotion.

The new study led to an innovative formulation based on the combined effect of three molecules that act on the scalp: Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA), which stimulates the microcirculation and tissue trophism; Equol, which counters the production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and, lastly, L-Carnitine, which has a known energising action.

The many tests conducted confirm the effective results and so, in 2015, Fidia Farmaceutici formalises the purchase of the patent. As a result of the company’s on-going commitment to research, the new Fidia Farmaceutici hair-loss lotion finds its final formulation and is placed on the market under the trade name Trinov.

Fidia Farmaceutici: a company dedicated to holistic health
Since 1946, Fidia Farmaceutici has developed therapeutic solutions with a high added value, in order to provide a novel solution to health and wellness challenges.
The company belongs to P&R Holding, an Italian chemical and pharmaceutical group that has succeeded in making its solutions known and appreciated the world over. Sharing this philosophy, Fidia Farmaceutici is a business that despite having close ties with its local area, also has a strong international vocation and thanks to its long-standing tradition of investments in the research and development of new products, the company now distributes its products in over 100 countries.
In 1963, Fidia launched the first product containing hyaluronic acid, and soon acquired a position as a leader in terms of research, technological development and production. Today, the company is one of the few companies in the world to boast products containing hyaluronic acid approved by the Food and Drug Administration and marketed in the United States. Fidia has expanded its operations to include all therapeutic areas in which this molecule of biological origin is used, including osteoarticular and tissue repair applications and it is also active in the neurology sector and personal care, in particular mucosal health, dermatology and aesthetics.
The key factors to this success include a research and development department fitted with the most advanced technologies and a production cycle in which each and every step is closely monitored, in order to meet high quality, efficacy and safety standards. Ever attentive to the ecosystem, Fidia Farmaceutici is committed to reducing its environmental impact through the adoption of an energy- and water-saving policy and the implementation of strict waste disposal plans.
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